Kansas City Wedding Officiant

Pop Up Wedding KC

Pop Up Wedding KC

I officiated my very first wedding in July of 2000 in Houston, Texas, and I knew then that I wanted to do more weddings. I then moved to Kansas City in 2002 to start a church for which I pastored for 18 years, and during that time I started my wedding business. I had no idea that nearly 20 years later my team and I would be the #1 Wedding Officiating Team in Kansas City.

We See What We Look For

Westend61 / Retales Botijero

Westend61 / Retales Botijero

It is becoming so clear to me that we really do see what we look for, and we will see and even experience exactly what we expect to see and experience. Now, this is not to say that what we are seeing or experiencing isn't real, or not true, very well could be, but...

If we look for someone to be a jerk, they will seem to be a jerk. If we look for someone to be self-centered, they will seem self-centered. If we look for someone to be uncaring, they will seem uncaring. On and on we go. Right? I mean if we believe our spouse or boss or child is an idiot we'll see his/her every action and decision as idiotic. We will absolutely get what we look for. This is a principle in life.

Far too often what we look for (or see) in others is in fact within us. Typically a narcissist blinded by their own narcissism calls others narcissistic. Psychology teaches us that many times what we judge to be in someone else is within us, what we accuse someone else to be doing is actually what we are doing. And by judging someone else we reveal our own inner demons.

What do you want from life?

If you want (or think) people to be selfish pricks, then you'll look for those traits, you will see them, they are in us all. Do you want people to be self-centered? Then look for those traits, you'll find them, they are in us all. But, if you want people to be kind, caring and good, then look for that, because those traits are also within us all.

I believe that all people have good in them. Yes, we all have negative traits is us too, whether we look for them or not, they are there! And we should each seek to smooth out the rough places, and pursue personal development. I know my negative traits, almost too many to keep track of, but thankfully I am aware of them and not blinded by the mask of perfection.

I am reminded today of something Jesus said in, Matthew 7:3-5 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

In counseling I have learned to, keep my eyes on my own paper! And anytime I stand in judgment of others I must look within to see from where does that judgment come from, and finally how is my judgment a reflection of what I am guilty of? This is so hard, cause I want to judge others to make myself feel and look better, more justified, more "perfect" and better than "them over there". Ha ha ha ... when in fact it only reveals my brokenness, and pain.

Finally, let's all walk our healing journey with open hearts free of judgment. Let's allow love to rule our hearts, our words, our thoughts and ultimately our every action.

Subscribe to My Podcast

I have finally started a PODCAST called, The Timmy Gibson Show. It’s available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google, and several other PODCAST platforms. I talk about all kinds of things including Religion, Matters of Faith, Relationships, Dating, Love, and Spiritual issues. I started it because I made a statement to a friend that I have escaped religion and have found faith. I then shortened that to Escaping Religion and Finding Faith, which will also be the title of my new book. And boom, that thought launched my thoughts into launching a Podcast and sharing my spiritual journey away from being an Evangelical Christian, to an Open-minded Christian.

I do not enjoy blogging as much as I enjoy podcasting, so if you want to follow my journey you’ll need to do that via my Podcast. Blessings!

Life's Healing Journey

Colmar, France

I woke up the other morning while vacationing in Europe thinking about walking life's healing journey, not sure why it was on my mind, but here is something to remember ... at least in my opinion.

We all have issues. Let's just be real here. Not one person on planet earth now or ever before, except maybe Jesus :) was/is perfect, we all have issues. Whether it's abuse, physical challenges, addition, dysfunction, in-laws, etc etc.

I think that we should NOT allow our lives to be defined by whatever "issues" or "brokenness" that was or is present in our lives. Make sense? I think we should focus on the healing portion, and the good and awesome stuff while walking through whatever brokenness we may be dealing with. I have had conversations over and over with people that seem to be just consumed by the ugly stuff in their lives, it's all they think about, and talk about. And sometimes it's even from their childhood, and they are now in their 40's. Please understand I am in NO WAY saying we should bury our heads in the sands of "everything is great" when it is not, BUT to stay focused on your "issues" all your life, to me is no way to live life.

Focus on the health, the beauty, the fixed, the healing, the love and the joys that are all around. Even when you have some handicap, don't let that define you or "ruin" your life. Yes, life sucks sometimes, no doubt! Even for those who seem to have such a wonderful "facebook" life, they don't. That includes me.

Life is so short, even if you live a long full life, it's short. I feel this especially being here in Europe and visiting all the Roman Ruins that are over 2,000 years old. Millions of people, including Kings, Priests, the rich, the poor, the tall, the short, etc have come and gone. They were once here, lived a life, then gone. Dust. And that's where we are all headed; dust.

So I guess my challenge is this, ENJOY every minute of your life, whether you feel it sucks or not. Life is a lot perspective, I feel. At least I have seen people in my life who have had terrible things happen to them, and have lost much and yet they are happy and go on living life and enjoying each moment. Then I have also met people who have lost things too and yet it's defined them. They stopped living. Life ended at the loss. It's very sad, because it's a choice how we respond to life; the good, the bad, the ugly AND the good.

Live your life, enjoy your life, and always be kind to everyone, everywhere at all times. You'll never regret that.

I love you!

I Turned 50 in Paris

Paris Painting.jpg

I turned 50 on April 14th, then two days later I spent the day in Paris.

I woke up on my birthday and had these thoughts and wanted to share it with you, enjoy!


Today is my 50th Birthday, I honestly can’t believe it! I don’t feel 50, I definitely don’t act 50 and hopefully I never look 50, ha ha! 50 years of life has taught me a few lessons no doubt!

I wish I could say that what I’ve learned came from all my successes and good decisions, but the truth is I’ve learned most my lessons from hardships, struggles and bad choices.

50 Things I’ve Learned: (This is my list, your list will be different)

1) Life is what you make it for the most part.

Meaning, many of our problems WE CAUSE by poor decisions, just as good decisions make life better. i.e. Eating right and regular exercise leads to better health typically, and Twinkies, Ding Dongs and fast food lead to poor health typically. This is true when it comes to every area of life ... career, relationships, etc etc.

2) You never can go wrong with Love & Kindness.

3) Religion is not all that great, but faith is.

4) Wash your face daily, and moisturize.

5) Drink a shit-ton of water daily.

6) Enjoy a good Wine, Beer or Whisky ever so often.

7) Try Marijuana (if you live in a legal state).

8) Travel as much as possible.

9) Live simple.

10) Dress with style.

11) Exercise daily.

12) Be quick to apologize and forgive.

13) Be positive.

14) Love your family like crazy.

15) Don't judge.

16) See the beauty in everything and everyone.

17) Don't spend more $ than you earn.

18) Give 10% away to charity.

19) With any deal find a Win Win.

20) Help others reach their dreams.

21) Don't be a shitty person, ever.

22) Be a lover.

23) Don't waste your life watching too much TV, but rather get out and live life.

24) Cry when you feel like it.

25) Be vulnerable.

26) Have a healthy sex life with your partner.

27) Laugh at yourself and others.

28) Read. Read. Read.

29) Be teachable.

30) Have some great friends, they are the spice of life.

31) Have no regrets.

32) Don't let your past define you, write your own story.

33) Live with passion.

34) Don't ever give up on your dreams.

"Just keep swimming!"

Clip: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hkn-LSh7es

35) Smile.

36) Skip rather than walk down the street.

37) Give lots of compliments.

38) Do the things that bring you joy.

39) Get at least (1) tattoo.

40) Don't let fear dictate your decisions.

41) Try new things.

42) Learn a foreign language.

43) Learn to play an instrument.

44) Find your tribe.

45) Find a job you love so you can enjoy going to work each day.

46) Create.

47) Paint.

48) Watch good movies.

49) Swim in the Ocean.

50) Take time each day to Dream and Think.

Life Is Awesome, But It Also Sucks

Life Is Awesome

Life Is Awesome

I find myself becoming more and more reflective as the years go by. Now that I am 49, almost 50, I am aware that I am in fact middle-aged now. That’s weird to even hear myself say, “middle-aged”. Part of me likes being middle-aged, and another part of me doesn’t like it at all. I mean seriously, who wants to consider their life half over? No one! And I for sure don’t.

I have also realized I am attending more funerals in the last 10 years than I ever have before, that sucks. But I know people die. We all will die one day. Dreams die. Things come to an end. But also things are being born. New dreams come alive. Life is awesome, but it also sucks sometimes.

What is my point? Life is a journey, it has it’s ups and it’s downs. It’s unpredictable at times, but it is also beautiful. Enjoy every moment. The good, the bad and even the ugly. We can learn from it all, if we’ll allow ourselves to. You got this!



I grew up without facebook! I know, shocker I could even survive such a thing, though I did and would say I am fairly well adjusted and somewhat normal. (Some might debate that last part)

That said, I wanted to just add a post here to let you know that I mainly post to facebook, and Instagram and very rarely do I actually "blog" here ... I do videos mostly and you can find those on my youtube channel.

So, if you are looking for me ... you can find me on facebook, instagram and youtube